September Nutrition Challenge W/ Angela Miller


Look familiar? This is CrossFit’s Theoretical Hierarchy of Development. Notice how NUTRITION is the foundation of an athlete’s quest for peak performance and wellness, and is the biggest piece of the pie. If you ignore this foundational piece, all of the other aspects of the pyramid crumble, growth and recovery suffer, and injury can ensue.

As they say; “you can’t out train a bad diet”. With this in mind, I would like to challenge you to put some extra focus on the nutrition aspect of your CrossFit game for the month of September in the form of macro tracking. We have done this before, but if you have no idea what a macro is, or need help calculating what kind of macros are right for you, I can help! Email me at and I will get a few pieces of information about you to steer you in the right direction. There are many macro tracking apps out there to make this simple.

A few I suggest are: MyFitnessPal (you can change your settings to show macros instead of calories, and customize macro percentages with the free version!), Chronometer, Macros, and the Fitbit nutrition tracker. Most of these apps have barcode scanners to make it even easier. I know it sounds time consuming to track nutrition, but I promise, once you get the hang of it, you will be surprised at the results you can get by adding some awareness to your nutrition choices!

-Angela Miller, your resident nutrition coach 

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