June Member of the Month: Blake Miller


In a few sentences, tell us about your CrossFit journey:

A buddy gave me a free pass to try out a CrossFit gym in Salem and I was hooked after the first week. I liked the community feel of CrossFit was a better fit for me than big box gyms.

Where were you? What have you lost?
I was looking for a way to work out and enjoy my time instead of hating every second of it.
Where are you now? What have you gained?
The coaches at Predation have taught me how to move more efficiently and lift safely so that I can prevent injuries while still gaining strength.

What nutrition knowledge are you applying?
I've been more conscious of eating less empty carbs and more nutritious foods

What would you tell your friends about Predation and Live Well nutrition coaching?
There are great coaches that really care about your success at Predation. If you're looking for a family of people that are fun to work out with and encourage each other you'll find here.

Erin Lavoie